Mobilium Global التطبيقات

Smart Health Swahilli 1.0
Mobilium Global
Kwa msaada wa moja kwa moja na uongozi waMfuko wa Kimataifa wa Kupambana na UKIMWI, Kifua Kikuu na Malaria,Mobilium ina iliyoundwa na kujengwa Smart Afya Maombi kwa ajili yawalaji - shirikishi bidhaa mpango ililenga kuongeza matumizi yaufahamu kwa kutoa sahihi awali habari kusaidia mabadiliko ya tabiajuu ya MDG 4 , 5, 6 masuala kwa watumiaji katika bara la Afrika. Nipamoja na sasa ni sehemu ambayo kuzingatia VVU / UKIMWI, kifuakikuu, Malaria, sindano ya usalama, Medicines bandia kama vileidadi ya mada ancillary afya na Wellness. Simu mtandao msingidalili kusahihisha, Isabel, waliotajwa katika Bora NHS Afya AppsLibrary imekuwa kuingizwa katika maombi Smart Afya. Releasesbaadaye itakuwa ni pamoja na taarifa juu ya Mama, Watoto Wachanga,na Watoto, Lishe, Usafi, lisilo magonjwa ya kuambukiza maombi SmartAfya ni inapatikana kwa Kiingereza, Kifaransa, Kireno na Kiswahili.Katika programu upatikanaji wa Facebook, Twitter, Instagram naemail erbjuder watumiaji nafasi ya kusema "Sisi Hesabu" nakuwasiliana, maoni na kuonyesha masuala ya afya kuhusiana kwambawao kuona na uzoefu katika mazingira yao ya kawaida.Programu itakuwa inapatikana kama shusha bure kwa African simuza mkono wanachama / watumiaji na ni lengo la kuimarisha afya,matengenezo ya afya, afya tabia na hatimaye afya ya baadaye ya watubinafsi na jamii zao katika bara zima. Lengo letu ni kutoa kwawatumiaji wa simu katika Afrika bure, kila-access jukwaa rasilimaliafya kwamba taarifa kama vizuri kama moyo salama mazoea ya tabiakwamba kwa upande itasaidia kupunguza maambukizi na maambukizi yaviwango vya UKIMWI, Malaria na TB.Mobilium pamoja na washirika wake & wafuasi ikiwa ni pamojana Mfuko wa Kimataifa, Akon, 2face, WLSA, GSMA, kupambana na Fekina Samsung na kutoa mchango mkubwa sana chombo, na kuleta maarifana kuwawezesha mikono ya walaji yote ya Afrika.For assistance directlyto the leadership of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosisand Malaria, Mobilium has designed and built a Smart HealthApplications for consumers - collaborative content program focusedon increasing consumer awareness by providing accurate initialinformation to help change behavior on MDG 4, 5, 6 issues for usersin Africa. It includes now a part of which focus on HIV / AIDS,tuberculosis, malaria, safety syringes, artificial Medicines aswell as a number of ancillary health and wellness topics. Call aweb-based symptom checker, Isabel, listed in the Better Health NHSApps Library has been incorporated into Smart Health application.Future releases will include information on Maternal, Newborn andChild, nutrition, hygiene, non-communicable diseases Smart Healthapplication is available in English, French, Portuguese andSwahili. In software access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram andemail offers consumers the opportunity to say "We Count" tocommunicate, view and display related health issues that they seeand experience in their normal environment.Software will be available as a free download for African mobilesubscribers / users and is aimed at strengthening the health,maintenance of health, health behavior and health ultimately thefuture of individuals and their communities in the continent. Ourgoal is to offer to mobile users in Africa free, all-accessplatform that health resources as well as information safepractices encourage behavior that in turn will help reduceinfection and transmission rates of HIV, malaria and TB.Mobilium together with its partners & supporters includingthe Global Fund, Akon, 2face, WLSA, GSMA, anti-counterfeiting andSamsung to provide an invaluable tool, and bring knowledge toenable hands of consumers all over Africa.
Smart Health 1.0
Mobilium Global
With the direct support and guidance ofTheGlobal Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Mobiliumhasdesigned and built the Smart Health Application for consumers -acollaborative content initiative focused on raisingconsumerawareness by providing accurate baseline informationsupportingbehavioural change on MDG 4, 5, 6 issues to consumersacrossAfrica. Included currently are sections that focus onHIV/AIDS, TB,Malaria, Injection Safety, Fake Medicines as well as anumber ofancillary health and wellness topics. A mobile web basedsymptomchecker, Isabel , listed in the NHS Choices Health AppsLibrary hasbeen incorporated in the Smart Health application.Future releaseswill include information on Maternal, Newborn andChild Health,Nutrition, Hygiene, Non- communicable diseases TheSmart Healthapplication is available in English, French, PortugueseandSwahili. In-app access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram andemailaffords users the opportunity to say “We Count” andcommunicate,comment and highlight health related issues that theysee andexperience in their local environment.The app will be available as a free download to Africanmobilesubscribers/consumers and is aimed at enhancing the health,healthmaintenance, health behaviours and ultimately the futurehealth ofindividuals and their communities across the continent.Our goal isto provide for mobile users in Africa a free, all-accesshealthresource platform that informs as well as encouragessafebehavioural practices that in turn will help reducethetransmission and infection rates of AIDS, Malaria and TB.Mobilium along with its partners & supporters includingTheGlobal Fund, Akon, 2face, WLSA, GSMA, Fight the Fakes andSamsungand will provide an invaluable tool, bringing knowledgeandempowering the hands of consumers all over the Africa.
Smart Health Portuguese 1.0
Mobilium Global
Com o apoio direto e orientação do FundoGlobalde Combate à Aids, Tuberculose e Malária, Mobilium projetoueconstruiu o aplicativo de Saúde Inteligente para os consumidores-uma iniciativa de conteúdo colaborativo focado na conscientizaçãodoconsumidor, fornecendo informações básicas preciso apoiar amudançade comportamento no ODM 4 , 5, 6 questões para osconsumidores emtoda a África. Incluído atualmente são seções quese concentram emHIV / AIDS, a tuberculose, a malária, a segurançadas injecções,medicamentos falsificados, bem como uma série detemas de saúde ebem-estar auxiliares. Um verificador móvel baseadona web sintoma,Isabel, listado nas NHS Choices Apps SaúdeBiblioteca foiincorporado na aplicação de Saúde Inteligente.Lançamentos futurosincluem informações sobre a Saúde Materna,Neonatal e Infantil,nutrição, higiene, doenças não transmissíveisA aplicação de SaúdeInteligente está disponível em Inglês,Francês, Português e suaíli.Acesso in-app para Facebook, Twitter,Instagram e e-mail oferece aosusuários a oportunidade de dizer"Nós Contagem" e comunicar,comentar e destacar as questõesrelacionadas com a saúde que ver eexperimentar em seu ambientelocal.O aplicativo estará disponível para download gratuitoparaassinantes africanos móveis / consumidores e tem comoobjectivopromover a saúde, a manutenção da saúde, comportamentos desaúde e,finalmente, o futuro da saúde dos indivíduos e de suascomunidadesem todo o continente. Nosso objetivo é fornecer para osusuáriosmóveis em África um all-access plataforma livre, derecursos desaúde que informa, bem como incentiva práticascomportamentaisseguros que por sua vez irá ajudar a reduzir astaxas detransmissão de infecção de AIDS, a malária eatuberculose.Mobilium juntamente com seus parceiros e apoiadores, incluindooFundo Global, Akon, 2face, WLSA, GSMA, Combate a FalsificaçõeseSamsung e irá fornecer uma ferramenta valiosa,trazendoconhecimento e capacitar as mãos dos consumidores em todooÁfrica.With the right supportandguidance from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TuberculosisandMalaria, Mobilium designed and built the application ofSmartHealth for consumers - an initiative focused oncollaborativecontent consumer awareness, providing basicinformation necessaryto support the change behavior on MDG 4, 5, 6questions forconsumers across Africa. Currently included aresections that focuson HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, injectionsafety, counterfeitdrugs, as well as a range of health topics andwellness aids. Amobile web-based symptom checker, Isabel, listed onthe NHS ChoicesHealth Apps Library was incorporated in theapplication ofIntelligent Health. Future releases will includeinformation onMaternal, Newborn and Child Health, nutrition,hygiene,non-communicable diseases Applying Intelligent Health isavailablein English, French, Portuguese and Swahili. In-app accesstoFacebook, Twitter, Instagram and email offers users theopportunityto say "We Count" and communicate, review and highlightissuesrelated to health to see and experience in their localenvironment.The application is available for free download for mobile/consumer African subscribers and aims to promote health,healthmaintenance, health behaviors, and ultimately, the futurehealth ofindividuals and their communities across the continent.Our goal isto provide to mobile users in Africa an all-accessplatform free ofhealth resources that informs and encourages safebehavioralpractices which in turn will help reduce the rate oftransmissionof infection to AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.Mobilium along with its partners and supporters, includingtheGlobal Fund, Akon, 2face, WLSA, GSMA, Combating CounterfeitsandSamsung and will provide a valuable tool, bringing knowledgeandempower the hands of consumers around the Africa.